Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Thank goodness it's Friday

Woke early again this morning, and sat outside for a while with my coffee, listening to the birds chirping away, the sky was much clearer this morning, a lot of cloud to the west, but clear to the south and east, hardly a breath of wind in the air.
Watching the shadow of night slowly creep away westward.
Could see Mars very clearly, heading towards the constellation of Leo
Orion was so clear too, tried to capture a picture of his belt and sword and this is the result.
The three stars that make up the belt are from left to right Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.
The sword hangs down from Alnitak, in perfect conditions a fuzzy object can be seen, with the unaided eye, this is the Orion Nebula, it is fascinating to look at it with binoculars
A nebula is a birthplace for stars.
Thank goodness it's Friday :-)

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