Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

A decent day

Woke early enough to sit outside with a coffee and take in the sights and sounds of the morning before it woke up.
There was a chill in the air, but not unpleasant, a bit refreshing really.
Could hear the birds chirping in the trees and wondered what they were saying to each other
Could see the shape of the moon and it's light through the cloud and the light from Jupiter not so very far away from it.
Saw Sirius the Dog Star to the south, scintillating, beautiful :-)
It tried, and very nearly succeeded, in being a bright sunny day.
Even my time at the death star was ok, it will have it's day soon no doubt, it always does
Then back to the place I'm meant to call home.
The sun tried hard to come out right up till dusk and beyond :-)

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