Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Gnarled Barkley

My neighbours already think I'm crazy, stumbling round the garden at night with a headtorch and a camera photographing raindrops and snails.

So after more hopeless home blipping where I failed to even make a glass of Cocker Hoop Ale look appealing, it was back outside to blip and hope the neighbours didn't call the men in white coats.

There's a tree just over the fence that's a knotty gnarly old stalwart with more holes than (you won't know while you're reading this but I've spent five minutes trying for a topical 'more holes than' analogy, but I'm drawing a blank... ) a <insert your own analogy here>.

The old tree has a grand chunk of fungus growing on it, and I got some nice photo's of it but as I looked at the best one, I really liked the look of this gnarly old branch so I cropped the living daylights out of it and this is the result.

I'll get the full fungus another time but I couldn't pass up the colours that I got on this one.

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