The Chemistry Experiment

We went up to the moor this morning to watch the sunrise. It was hidden behind a cloud bank but that's not always a bad thing as it can produce beautiful colours.

I bumped into a guy walking his dog who said he never takes his camera on the moor anymore as once you've seen or photographed a few sunrises you'e seen them all.

I didn't reply, maybe my smile said it all.

It was cold and clear; a beautiful morning and I thought the rising mist, the smoky firey colours and the rising plumes from the distant power stations looked like a huge chemistry experiment.

That's pretty much what the world is really :o)

Thank you so much for the messages of support yesterday. You don't know how much it means. It's a difficult time, and your support and kind wishes will help to give me the strength to help to support those who need it.

Finally - if you've got the time, please have a look at this blip from raej.

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