just allan

By allan

Sixty-nine Dude.

Oh yeah, I have one more bike. This is the one who's fork broke a few weeks ago, throwing me to the floor unceremoniously and damaging my knee. My pal Ross had a fork just the same in his shed so that's fitted now and it's back up and running.

This is my "race bike", as in if I enter a race I ride this. Fully rigid, singlespeed 32/16 gearing, On-One Inbred 853 frame (only 100 ever made), 29" front wheel and 26" rear hence this setup is know by the delicate soubriquet "69er". Dudes. As Bill and Ted say.

Just a quick burl round the woods after fixing things up, before zooming off to Edinburgh to see the Sixteen at Greyfriars with Marchmont.

Something other than a bike tomorrow. Probably.

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