Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Elizabeth and I have been to a class everyday this week.

Monday: Baby massage and breastfeeding cafe
Tuesday: Music group
Wednesday: Baby signing
Thursday: Music and movement

At the music and movement group Elizabeth got to play on a birthing ball. She first got to bounce up and down on it. She's a big fan of bouncing generally. Then she lay with her tummy on the ball, which I thought she'd hate, because she doesn't really like being on her tummy. But she loved it! So I got my ball out again!

Putting Elizabeth in her own room is working out quite well. For a start, she's dropped the 3am feed again and is now sleeping from 8pm until 5am, and then 5am till 9am. I don't feel quite so bad about sending her off to Nana and Grandad's for the night with those sleeping habits. Now when she wakes, she chats away to herself for about 20 minutes. Its so cute!

She's been a bit of a pain th the afternoon/early evenings this week. Wind problems again. I have considered seeing the doctor about it, but I really think its just something she will grow out of. Her body is learning how to deal with these things. Well I hope so anyway.

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