La vida de Annie

By Annie


... now I've achieved my goal of 1000 (which I did have doubts about at one point), I'm awarding myself a chilled-out week to celebrate. It's been quite hard recently to keep going each day; on a particularly bad day the blip is all I have managed to accomplish in that 24 hours. I'll still try to post each day but it won't be anything exciting, and comments will be reduced too as the screen hurts my head a lot. Hopefully this will improve soon with rest.

My burst aneurysm which caused the subarachnoid haemorrhage was "coiled", i.e. plugged with a coiled mesh of platinum wire inserted via the main artery in the groin all the way up to the brain, a painstaking procedure which takes about 5 hours plus a lot of recovery time; I remember describing the stroke but not what the treatment was. I'm very pleased it was done that way rather than by drilling a hole in my skull to insert a clip, which is another form of treating it; I'd just paid good money to have my hair done!

I see the neurosurgeon the week after this, so am compiling a list of questions to ask, #1 being are you going to treat the other (unburst) aneurysm which is sitting in my head like a ticking time bomb? Knowing it's there isn't conducive to relaxation, but I can't let something which may never happen rule my life; apparently many people go through life with unsuspected aneurysms which never burst. I feel mean about not commenting so much, but I will still be looking in on you all, just taking a week out to rest.

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