
By Nigel

Changing Up

By midnight all 7 players were still in the game, the chips were being changed up and I had just about managed to scrape myself back up to the same amount as my starting chips after a few rather poor hands. The conversation was top quality as usual although the music was interspersed rather too frequently with 'Girls Aloud' album tracks. Gav was trying to clam that it was due to just having been on holiday with Lu and that he hadn't had chance to remove the offending articles but we all know that under the outer coating of solid metal his heart has a core of pure pop.

After midnight things got rather more messy than usual. There was a drop in the conversational quality, a lowering of standards with regard to what was funny, and a rather disturbing bout of refusing to put the blinds in which resulted in a disqualification for one unlucky player.

Still, in the end I came away £95 richer so mustn't grumble.

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