How to kill a snail.....
.....without hounds.
Ok, so today was fuller than Santa on Christmas morning; 15 things we did;
1) Brunch at Canteen on Spitalfields Market......Eggs Royale....."awesome"
2) Retros 50s coat bought by N.....lovely
3) Photo print bought at Tina Maas expo.......cracking
4) Retro bag purchased in pop-up shop in Truman Brewery; interview given to Talkback Thames by N.....interesting
5) World Food Festy at Truman's Brewery.....smell'tastic
6) Flat White coffee consumed at Nude Espresso on Hanbury Street.....excellent.....bag of East Beans in the gift bag for Rosco
7) Searched in vain for the Knight on Horseback in Aldwych (Iron Hand Tour)
8) Searched for and found Ariel at the Bank of England (Iron Hand Tour)
9) Searched for and climbed The Monument (Iron Hand Tour).....305 steps.....phew.
10) Searched for and found Icarus at St Paul's (Iron Hand Tour)
11) Booked tickets for the Dr Who Experience at Olympia for tomorrow
12) Used the toilets at MickeyD's without buying anything...two fingers at The Man...yeh.
13) Pint of Schehalion at the hotel (great choice of ales in the hotel bar)
14) Harwood Arms in Fulham for some Michelin Star food in honour of Nancy's birthday.......gourmet'tastic
15) Pole Dancing on the District Line en route home
Phew......time for Have I Got News for You.
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