This is the bit over the top of the gateway into the central courtyard of the complex where our MBH is. I think I've been a bit coy about our new house, so I'll hide some details here in a backblip that no-one will see. Our house is part of a chateau, but not a big fancy one - more like a small manor house than a country pile really. The previous owner divided it into a dozen houses, and we have one of them. Most of the parkland around the house is communally owned by all the homeowners and jointly managed by us all together. This sort of communal living really appeals to me and is perfect for the kids who will always have a ready supply of other kids to play with on their doorstep. Everyone is delighted that we've shown up, as the house that we've bought is the larger part of the old house, and has been in a terrible state for years - with bits falling off it and the lack of proper roof drainage leading to flooding in the courtyard. Mr B is less keen on the idea of communal living - being someone who hates decisions by committee and prefers being a dictator in his own domain. However, I think it will invaluable when he is away earning cash in London (to pay for the guttering) that I don't feel so isolated. And our garden is wonderfully private (though a jungle of seedlings at present, I feel a wonderful garden lurks underneath just waiting to be discovered).
So, here's our fancy entrance, recently mostly repainted by one of the neighbours. More bits of the house will be shown in due course - once they're looking fancy enough for display. The bad part of this lovely big house is that we've nearly run out of the gallons of paint we brought from the UK - the price of paint here could blow our budget!
Obviously, with backblipping, I can't really remember anything of note that happened today. So probably it didn't.
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