My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters

Calm before the Storm..

I was up bright and early this morning and saw, in the clear blue sky the last remnants of the moon from the night before. When I spotted it, it was peeking from behind an almost bare branch of a tree.

There was a chill in the air today that made me think, It's official.. Winter is definately coming!! Soon the days will arrive when I don't see any light at all, commuting to and from Uni in the dark. Not fun..

Unfortunately, right after this picture was taken, the rain clouds arrived and drowned the whole of Edinburgh.. Atrocious weather!!

Todays blip made me realise how addictive Blipping is. I normally would not have bothered to take note of the moon still in the sky, or the quite ordinary bare branch. It's making me notice much more around me, which I rather like. Its refreshing to look at the world in a new way, and for me, it makes the ordinary, extraordinary...

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