Cwrw Croyw

By cwrwcroyw

For Junior

Wandering around Water St back in St John's this afternoon. Peered into this shop window- "Christopher: Goldsmith" said the sign. Two voices beckoned me to enter and so I did. It looked more like a derelict workshop than a jeweller's store, full of curiosities and, at the counter working his trade, sat Christopher; here he is woking on a ring for Junior.

Junior is an engineer on one of the cruise ships docked in the harbour. He is from Alabama and loves what he has seen of St John's so far. However, he is fretting over his wife who is" not in a good place" after she found out that Junior has been having an affair withe a young Phillipino woman for many years. He has decided to try to make amends by having Christopher stamp heart symbols on the ring that his wife gave him many years ago.

There are many other sights that I could have blipped today, from harbour scenes, through the coulourful houses of St John's to the Cathedral, but this is the one that best summarizes the eclectic, friendly, kind and unexpected things that Newfoundland seems to throw at you.

Back to calgary this evening.

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