Double L

By Wyldkatt

A Right Proper Tool

My dad made this. Don't know how long ago - quite some time. I think this was his second attempt the first not being totally functional. Yes - its a nut cracker.

More specifically, it is a walnut cracker as there are not many nuts that will sit where they need to be when the 'screw is turned'.

My dad was always good at coming up with a fix to the problem and the problem in this case was the huge walnuts that came from the tree that grew in the field behind his dad's house. He (dad) passed two years ago yesterday and it is (amongst other things) his inventiveness for coming up with handy tools that I miss.

This nut cracker does the trick - shame these nuts from my sister's tree are a little small for the cracker to work it's magic properly.

My husband was kind enough to take the cracker into the workshop and run the wire brushes over it and take off the surface rust.

And I am optimistic that some totally HUGE nuts will come my way over this winter.

And I can say with honesty, my dad would want me to crack some huge nuts (wouldn't you dad :) )

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