my corner of the world

By Vic

Piano lesson

Been one of those mornings when I wanted to shout, "Don't shoot the messenger!" Meetings upon meetings! Taught this afternoon and had to reinforce a few behaviour rules so ended the day exhausted with another meeting! Was happy to leave after sorting out the resources needed for tomorrow's trip and pick my little lad up. Took him to his piano lesson.

Jaden has suddenly got all emotional about piano and wants to give it up ...for the guitar. It's really hard as his piano teacher is sooooo lovely and she loves Jaden. She said she really enjoys teaching him and doesn't want him to finish. His teacher is a retired ex-Head of Music from a Grammar School (20 years ago). She has the patience of a saint. She must have because she has got Jasmine to Grade 4 already!

Not heard from Jasmine today so that must be a good thing! She must be fine. Fingers crossed! Bed early tonight as I'll need all my strength for tomorrow's trip out with 60 kids again!

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