All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Trying them on for size

I must have knocked the camera setting in my hurry to grab the camera this morning as the quality of todays blip is rubbish! But I still think it's cute! Ethan has been pulling my shoes out my wardrobe and playing with them for weeks now but today is the first time I've seen him try to put them on and actually manage to walk in them! I have to say, he can walk in my wedges nearly as well as I can!

He had another mega nap at nursery today - 2 hrs 45 minutes! When hubbie picked him up, they asked if we're happy for him to sleep that long. As it took us from 7pm till 8.30pm tonight to get him to bed and sleep, I suspect we should probably say "no"! It is strange though that over the past week, he has had 3 hour or so naps 3 times now. Very unusual.

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