All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Deer, deer, deer

I had hoped to go to Vogrie Country Park today for a ranger wildlife walk which was taking place. Unfortunately my sister wasn't feeling up to going after all and hubbie kept blowing hot and cold about it. We would have had to have left straight after lunch to make it on time. But then Ethan made our minds up for us when he fell asleep in the middle of lunch, in his highchair! It was so funny - he was blatantly wanting his food but also knackered as he hadn't managed a morning nap. In the end, sleep won out. Rather than move him, we just reclined the high chair, put a blanket over him and he slept for 40 minutes! He did look rather confused when he woke up there though!

In the afternoon I managed to persuade hubbie that we should go out somewhere for a wander, so we took a drive up to Beecraigs Country Park. We strapped Ethan in to the Baby Bjorn (hubbie and I took turns to carry him as he's rather heavy in it these days) and wandered round to look at the deer. We also went up to the Go Ape course to watch the people up in the trees. I did the course at Aberfoyle a few years ago and loved it. Perhaps now there is one at Beecraigs which is closer to home, I'll give it another go some time.

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