Memories of What Once Was

By Emma07

My Bible

What a day. I had by far the most disturbing, disturbing isn't the right word... overly insightful, lecture of my course so far. The lecture itself was fine, it was about profiling (which I suppose is meant to be very insightful), but the ending of it I'm sure was meant to shake us a little. The man taking it was amazing, a briliant mind if not the best mind in his field of psychology.

I had a fine evening filled with reading, which included reading from what is now my bible - the focus of my picture tonight. I think I am now getting used to the reading part of the course and I'm really enjoying it, I always have but it really wasn't a hassle today.

I then had a grand chat with two of my flatmates Matt and Dave, they are both lovely guys so it's alway nice to have a bit of what, I can only describe as fantastically random banter with them.

A fine Monday all in all.

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