michigan man

By outdoorguy

Winston !!!

My "work" day has changed dramatically. Instead of picking the doctor up at his house...he drives himself to the hospital, and then I wheel him around there to see his patients. It has gone from a full day...to a quarter or a half day.

The hospital I take him to is called Genesys. They can't spell, but they did have the foresight to put in a couple of trails on their vast grounds. The Mayapple and the Heron trails. Pretty trails...ponds, open spaces, and a lot of woods. I lit off on the Heron.

I was across the pond when I saw a couple pushing a stroller on the other side. The guy yelled out..."WINSTON, WINSTON." I thought he was playing a game...yelling out his favorite cigarette. I yelled back..." I DON'T SMOKE, I DON'T SMOKE!!" Again he yelled..."WINSTON, WINSTON !!" I thought quickly through the old cigarette commercials. I think every guy wanted to be the Marlboro Man. Rugged, handsome, lost in his thoughts while working the herd. I yelled back..."MARLBORO, MARLBORO!!"

It was then that I spotted Winston. He was the tiniest little Yorkshire terrier that I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot of yorkies. I've seen Yorkshire Puddings that were bigger than this dog. Rule #2 of the trail was DOGS MUST BE ON A 6 FOOT LEASH. I guess it should be added...AND PLEASE HOLD ONTO THE LEASH. Winston was dragging his leash...on the loose, and hunting for goose. The little mutt ran to the water, and with a giant leap...he was a-swimmin. I have about 8 shots of the close encounter. The wifes face tells the story. She goes from open-mouthed to hand-over-mouth to laughter.

You can just barely see Winston in the water. There is another Yorkie riding in the stroller. If I had to guess its name...I'll go with Salem or Virginia Slim. I'm glad I didn't have to put the little goose-chaser in my car.

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