Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The flowers I did buy

Some men never think of it.
You did. You'd come along
And say you'd nearly brought me flowers
But something had gone wrong.

The shop was closed. Or you had doubts -
The sort that minds like ours
Dream up incessantly. You thought
I might not want your flowers.

It made me smile and hug you then.
Now I can only smile.
But, look, the flowers you nearly brought
Have lasted all this while

Wendy Cope

But today I did buy flowers. Because you had a really horrible day, and because I love you and because you deserve them. And I told you a funny story about the annoying man I kept bumping into in the shop, and how we got grumpy with each other; and then how I drove a mile home and got out of the car just as he was walking past our house on the way back from the station and we gave each other another astonished look. And that made you laugh and your face lit up.

I hope tomorrow is a better day but if it isn't I won't buy you flowers but I will be there for you just the same...

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