Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Tiree painting no. 1

One down 2 to go! It's for an exhibition of Tiree paintings that our art group is having next month. Very loosely based on this blip.

VERY loosely!

(I also had other photos of this wee house from other angles with different flowers/weeds/grasses in the foreground - I didn't just stick those in out of the blue, honest!)

Finally finished this today after a lot of umming and ahhing. I just wasn't happy and kept changing bits, messing about with it, realising I'd ruined good bits, painting bits out then back in again and generally not knowing when to stop! I'm still not sure if I really like it, but it has grown on me a little since I decided it was done. Hmmm, kind of.

I'd better not look at it again until I've varnished it and can't be tempted to "just sort this wee bit..."

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