Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Vin ordinaire

It's not wine at all.
And I shan't make it so by 'whining'.

There wasn't an image which stood out today, so here's some ordinary honeysuckle.
Because it was brighter than any other shot.

I've been being a good Godmother today.
Not Fairy. Just adequate!
This has entailed a shopping trip and a post office queue.

I don't know whether Bowen Technique is renowned for causing tiredness?
If so, it's working a treat!

Isn't the whole mobile phone arena confusing? (If you happen to have laundered your old one).
Data? How much does a person need? I have been reading up. ( I can google) Yet still it seems to me that folk, far more savvy than me, are taking an educated guess.
I have no data at the moment :-)
....Maybe I'll just have an ounce or two?
It didn't help to be sat down in the shop (so far so good) and offered one with 'nice big BUTTONS'.

At this point I gathered up (all) my bags and 'swep' off'.

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