Banana Muffins
What do you do when the bananas are perfectly edible but the state of the skin is putting everyone off? Make muffins of course.
Parent/teacher consultation was good, I think. We were told she is a delightful child who always tries really hard, is independant but knows when to ask for help. She has high standards of behaviour and isn't afraid to draw the teachers attention to anyone who isn't meeting those standards (snitch!). Then we were told what we need to work on (academically). Nothing we were unaware of but as you have no idea what is being said to other parents you have know idea as to whether this is normal, whether she is behind and needs really do this stuff or whether she is doing really well for this stage and they are pushing her. Not that it matters to her, we have some numbers and sight words which need working on, but to me I'd just like to know where she is on the 'expected' level of achievement.
Having said all that we were both very proud and came out feeling that we have done pretty well with her so far if they think she is a delight and has high standards of behaviour. The rest will come.
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