Learning day by day

By EmmaF


The day started with a little voice saying to me "Mummy, I get up now?" "Err wait til I see what time it is, OMG it is 07.25, yes get up, get dressed, quick, quick!" Luckily Daddy was on the ball and had Carys half dressed as we rushed into the big bedroom.

Carys safely deposited at school, just in time, W and I headed home for him to finish his breakfast and for me to run around to sort stuff out and buy athletics tickets for next year, before heading to the gym.

Raced home, quick shower and lunch, handed boychild over to husband and raced to my supporters course. Then headed to ASDA in search of advent calendar presents, but ended up with a dress and shoes for Carys for next months wedding as well. The heavens opened on the motorway making me slightly late picking up W from Goslings.

C had a boy come home for tea. He is a very sweet boy, who is the youngest in his family, but had lots of time and patience for William which was nice. W has been given the batman outfit by the Mum of one of C's friends at school last week as her two have outgrown it. He was very excited to wear it.

I also at some point today managed to buy tickets for 'My First Cinderella' by Sadlers Wells for Carys at Easter. So thank you very much Christine, the rest of your money will be spent taking her out for a big girls meal after. Carys will love it if her reaction to 'My first Sleeping Beauty' last year was anything to go buy.

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