Happy Birthday Bobbobs

23months 29days

Katie's bestie, Ava turned 2 today. So this blip is for Bobbobs. Happy Birthday, beautiful girl. We love you lots and are so proud of you xxxxxx

We went to see Ava and her mummy this morning. It is always so lovely to see the two of them together. They clearly adore each other. Ava wanted to share opening the presents with her, wanted Katie to push her on the car. They were stood at the table, sharing a snack and having a proper 2way conversation.

She's done really well today and yesterday, 3 dry nights now (I put a nappy on in her sleep last night, for my peace of mind more than anything - she removed it). And today she's had a trip out successfully with 2 toilet visits, and no accidents at all.

I thought it particularly appropriate, on the eve of her own 2nd birthday, that in this photo, Katie to me looks like a little girl. Not a baby, barely a toddler. A beautiful little girl. Her last day before she's not a baby in any sense of the word. It's caught me by surprise somewhat how quickly she's become 2, how incredibly short a time she was a baby for. She seems to spend the whole time pushing herself out of whatever stage she was, reaching for the next challenge to learn. Be it sitting, walking, talking, she's one incredible, hugely determined little creature who amazes me more every day.

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