I see you Mummy!

52 weeks... EEK ONE DAY TO GO!

Katie has been much brighter today, the health visitor thinks she had a bug and that it may take a week or so for her body to settle back down, so it's demand b/feeding, demand cuddling and lots of snuggle time for now!

We went to tea and toast after clinic, she got given a party bag from a party she couldnt go to on Sunday, and it had a mini bag of milkybar buttons in. She waved them at me until I relented and left her scoff them!

Jack and his mummy came to see us. He's learnt to crawl! He was sat in the rocker chair and katie spent ages rocking and patting (well, sort of batting him really), he took it well! A friend came round with her two kids late afternoon, the children all played and she helped me to ice cakes for a certain little lady's big day.

I'm feeling very contemplative tonight.... a year ago I wasn't even in labour at this point (8.15) but 5 hours later, life changed dramatically! And has changed even more dramatically since. A mixed year, the highest highs, beyond all I could have imagined, and lows that nearly matched. But nothing can take away from the fact that every single day, my beautiful daughter has filled me with more joy than I ever thought possible. She deserves tomorrow to be incredible, because that's exactly what she is and has been since the day she arrived. And I love her with every bit of me.

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