Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Happy Birthday Moose

Today is my middle son's 12th birthday. I can't believe he's 12 already, it's scary where the time goes.

The boys had school today but I had a 'day off'. Well a day off work - I spent the whole day tidying and cleaning and still didn't get everything done!

After school my son's friend came over for a sleepover and we all went out for a meal. This was the last piece of cake which I made him for his birthday. I think this is the first birthday cake I've ever made for any of my boys, I usually buy them one. It was my eldest son's recipe and, to be honest, he makes it better than I did! I can't believe how domesticated I'm becoming in my old age!!!!! ;-)

School is over for a week now and I'm looking forward to spending time with the boys and having a 'rest'.

Happy Birthday Moose xxxxx

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