Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Why was the sand wet?

... Because the sea weed.

What did the fish shout when it got caught in the seaweed?

... Kelp! Kelp!


Oh well.

The big kids don't have their usual 5.30 dash into town for their guitar lessons this evening. This means
a) We could go for a walk on the beach without worrying about rushing back and getting tea inside them by 5.20. In fact, we just normally wouldn't go to the beach on a Friday
b) I took 80 photos. Cripes
c) Mr Carter has gone to the pub
d) The kids are doing whatever they want and no one's stopping them.
e) I'm having to do 2 mealtimes anyway
f) I haven't made the second tea because I've just gone through 80 photos
g) Fridays aren't so bad when you haven't got lots of rushing around!
h) Wine?
i) Yes please
j) I wonder how quickly I can cook a curry and make it look like I've been busy for the last hour...
k) Yes, I did get a cold wet bum, sitting in the sand, taking this photo.

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