The Boy

My boy and I went shopping this morning, he needed a number of things. On the way out the house I saw the state of his school shoes and added those to the list.

He grows at an alarming rate just now. This was him 8 months ago. No longer is he round of face, innocent of eye and smiley. Nowadays his face is half chiseled, his jaw line changing daily, his shoulders broadening, his grunt deepening, and his feet launching themselves into the new millennium.

He has the same size of feet as his father already. When we sit on the sofa he stretches out and sticks his feet on the arm rest and they block everything from sight.

His prize buy today was 3 metres of stretchy black velvet. He has been studiously making a 'deadmaus' mask for the last month. Now we are on the home straight, and my involvement is required. It was lovely to have him to myself today. No gaming distractions, or footie or friends to tempt him away.

Just him and me, round the kitchen table, cutting, glueing sewing (yes him) and chatting. I could still see that round face and innocent smile and the look of love for his mummy in his eyes.

Oh and let's not get started on the positioning of him in this shot beside Sir Walter Scott - the young and old, the tall pillars, the growing in stature and strength. Someone stop me from all this complete spraff!!!!

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