
My girl and I have been singing this song all week and it seems fitting that I should use it today. I remember singing it in the kitchen at home with my mother.

365 - not quite consecutive but close. As a pre-blip stalker I knew I would get hooked. Just how involved I could not have imagined. As one who has never had any form of journal, this record is something I enjoy looking back on. It was never started as journal, but as a way to use and enjoy my camera again. The journal just evolved. What a year, I could never have conceived half the events that have taken place but love that just one look at the image and I am right there with my emotions and thoughts of the moment. Very powerful.

As for my photography, I can only say that I am loving it and eager to learn. I wonder how much I would have pushed myself were it not for 'my community' looking in and encouraging, sharing wisdom, a laugh, and a tune. Sadly no cake has been shared! You are wonderful and I would like to thank you for all your encouragement over the last year.

Thank you my boy and girl. You are always willing to step in and model, my girl especially - I see the confidence in her change with each shot, it's wonderful. My boy has his own confidence and mostly he just grows! I have also documented my love of cake, fizz, gardening, friendships and family. So now I'm off to eat, drink, chat and be merry.

Why do these things end up sounding like an Oscar speech? All I need now is Hibs and Newcastle to win this weekend. I'll be chilling a ginger beer just in case. Sing along now!

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