This may be a new low in photography, but certainly a high in dinner.
After a confusing start to the day, with lots of unnecessary back and forth driving (Mr B's new-to-us car is on the blink already*), Conor was dropped off at school (some tears because I'm going away, but brusquely ended in a very unusual for him moment of machismo), and Katherine and I dropped at the airport. The flight, though delayed, passed quickly with a pleasant lunch, watching Downton Abbey, and delightful company.
Our trip to my goddaughter's birthday tea was abruptly curtailed by the news that her brother was quarantined with suspected mumps. A quick change of venue and all was well, but for the obvious lack of the mumpy boy.
Tea, cake, pizza and doughnuts (hurrah for Stansted Krispy Kreme) segued nicely into a curry extravaganza which I probably scoffed a little too eagerly, I'm sure it would have been more polite to hold back, instead of my greedy thirds happening alongside my hosts' seconds.
My host was concerned that this might look like small portions: so let me assure you that this was a mere starter to the feast I piled on my plate subsequently.
Edit: oops, forgot the *.
* you may think we have had a run of bad luck with vehicles, but I think you make your own luck and in choosing to by a string of vans and cars old enough have their own driving licences, I think we've brought it on ourselves.
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