Strike a pose, I will
Yoda in playful mood for Doggy's birthday. Since Doggy (Conor's favourite toy) has a passport he also has a birthday. And it's today. Conveniently, his birthday turns out to be the same as the dog we had when I was little - which of course makes it very easy for me to remember...
Today should have been a day of 'all work makes SooB a dull blipper' but was in fact a day of 'sick boy makes SooB a dull blipper'. From your point of view it comes to the same thing, from mine not so much as in the absence of my translating, the electrician pushed on with a job that will now have to be totally redone. Still, it's really the fault of the electrician we ran off the job, so words will have to be had with the boss tomorrow about that. Before I run away to London to join the circus.
Ok, that last bit was rubbish, but I am running (flying) away to London tomorrow, so my lamentable blip community performance will become even more lamentable.
Conor, since you ask, perked up remarkably in time for lunch and left his vomit bowl to eat a huge lunch and then spend all the afternoon bouncing around. I guess it was one of those four hour things...
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