Nat's Travels

By natstravels

Horses, Hounds & Falls

B and Tinker and Scooby and I decided to get up early, 7.00am at the yard and join the local drag Hunt for their early morning hound exercise. The hound exercise is a few hours in the morning to get the hounds and the horse used to drag hunting and improve their fitness.

So looking the part we hacked to the meet, Scooby was finding it all very exciting just going there. Once we got the the field where we were meeting, his excitment went up a gear, on seeing the other horses and the hounds.

Not too much hanging around and we were off, in the first field we had to wait and then we changed direction and the group of horses headed towards us. This was just a step to far for Scooby and he freaked out and reared stright up!

I was thinking we were both going to go back over and that would have ment me being underneath him, so I bailed out, luckly both of my feet came out of my stirrips!

Once I was on the ground all I remember seeing were hooves, heading my way and waiting for one to hit me! Luckily that didnt happen and he got up and galloped off across the field.

Luckily he missed Tinker and soon came galloping back to him and I could catch him. He had struck into himself and had a cut on his off side hind.

We decided, as this was not the first time Scooby had disgraced himself with the Hunt, that we would call it a day. I got back on and we hacked back, once the hounds and horses were out of sight and earshot he switch off again.

I think we only lasted about 10 mins and B has decided thats Scooby's last attempt at hunting!

For me it was a soft if not muddy landing in a maize field. Home and a bath and I'm a bit sore in my hip, a nice bruise to follow, me thinks!

But, they say things come in three's, I'm hoping thats my three - falling in the canal with the bike, running face first into the car and now falling off!

Happy weekend Blippers, hope its a good one for you all!

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