michigan man

By outdoorguy

Indian Summer

What a delightful day. Slept in until about 9:30, and then got up and got going like a whirling dervish. Scrambled eggs with peppers and onions for breakfast...then I started cooking ahead for my wild rice soup for tommorow. The little man's first birthday party at his house. Seems like yesterday we were trying to sleep upright in hospital chairs...waiting for his arrival.

High noon came, and I had an appointment at my daughters salon to get my hair cut off. 1 blade on the sides...3 blade on the top. Short. I love getting up in the morning...spitting on my hand...and just pressing down any wayward hairs. Fast and easy.

We then had lunch, and went for a walk in a nature preserve. We are very lucky to have such a place. 150 acres with about 4.3 miles of trails. That's my wife Lisa in the distance, and that's also her hand next to the giant oak tree leaf. It always amazes me that the giant leaf came off a tree that isn't 2 feet tall.

Halfway into our walk...Lisa yelled a word that I never want to hear. "Snake...Snake !!" It was only a garter snake...but I'm always afraid they'll go back to their hiding places and get their poisonous cousins.

We sat down on a bench and "made out" like we were teen-agers. She kept her eye open one way, and me the other way. We didn't want to shock some young kid into saying..." EEEWWEEE Mom...those "old" people were kissing. No one came by.

We finished the afternoon spending hours cleaning the garage. "HOW CAN THAT BE ANY FUN ?" There is something very sastisfying about doing a dirty job together. Got some stuff put away in the top of the garage, and threw a lot of things out. The only casuality was dropping an old rocking chair from the top, and breaking the leg off. To the bonfire it goes now.

Now I have to retire to my den...watch the Michigan State football game, and do my Sunday School lesson. I am such a procrastinator. I should pray to not be...but I keep putting it off.

Hope everybody is having a great week-end.

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