It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


Today has been a fairly quiet day compared to yesterday!

The thing is though, you would think that I would be shattered after 4 hours of running around yesterday, but no, not me! I was up and raring to go again at 8 this morning!

Daddy took me on a lovely long walk along the coastal path this morning then this afternoon we all went to the big woods behind our house.

I LOVE it up there. I have just discovered squirrels and BOY I love to chase them! Daddy throws my ball for me and I run and grab it then go on "patrol" for squirrels! I trot along with my ball in my mouth and my ears and nose on full alert, then...... when I spot one ........I shoot off, into the woods after it. I always drop my ball though and forget about it, oops! So then when the squirrel escapes me (I haven't caught one yet!) I have my game of finding my ball! I nearly always find it and take it back to daddy. I am VERY clever at sniffing things out!

It was lovely in the woods today, the sun was just peeking out and it was quite warm. I had a game of hide and seek in the bushes with mum and daddy. I like to disappear for just a little bit too long, just so they start to get worried and then I suddenly poke my head out from a bush or I run up behind them *giggle* Sometimes, when I don't come when I am first called, then mum and daddy hide from me! I am not too keen on that, I get a bit worried, when I find them I do mini zoomie bumtucks!

We are now tired out, fed and watered and ready for a family snuggle on the sofa. Well, it normally starts as a family snuggle, then I gradually force mum, then daddy off and stretch out all on my own *giggle*

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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