Jack James

By JackJames

Edinburgh International Conference Centre

Today was spent doing preparation for my essay and shopping - nothing exciting in the slightest. Went round to the boy's flat and chilled there, then cooked Jamaican/Chinese Chicken, which was amazing.

In the evening went over to Hannah's flat in Darly, next to Haymarket. It was her flatmates birthday party, the dress up was 'Computer Hero' themed. I went as Ash Catchem - made a 2D cap out of cardboard and a little Pokéball. Have to admit I never really played pokémon as a kid, but it was an easy costume to make at short notice! Was put to shame by some girls who turned up in life-size tetris shapes.

Wasn't intending to go out, but Hannah's blackmail was effective and didn't end up getting to bet until 5:30...

This is the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, en-route to Hannah's flat.

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