Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


We missed a fantastic morning at the lake yesterday. Mum needed to be at the shop for 9am and as we headed back along the lake the sun was rising over the mountains and the cold lakes and rivers were steaming, it was beautiful. We consoled ourselves with the fact we could spend as long as we wanted today at the lake. Unfortunately it was wet, it was dreary and there was no light so we didn't go to the lake. I found some little raindrops resting on a leaf which almost made up for it.

Busy day at the shop, some fish and chips in town and then mum and I were out to a local hotel to a wedding fayre. We had a stand of jewellery to showcase what brides could buy for themselves and also as gifts for bridesmaids. There were stands with all the other usual wedding stuff... table decorations, invitations, photographers etc but I was a little surprised by the personal trainers.

Some entertainment was provided in the form of a Robbie Williams Tribute act. He wasn't terrible but he did a lot of newer stuff and for the age of the people there he'd have been better off doing take that or at least early solo songs.

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