Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Survival of the Fittest

I might get in trouble for this later but I figure as he knows I blip he must have at least had a slight understanding that if he pulled a silly face, it would get used for my blip.

Today, despite having a very busy afternoon of rehearsals planned, I dragged myself out of the house at 8:30am to walk in to town with The Boy. He was taking part in the Men's Health Survival of the Fittest. A 10K run with 12 obstacles that are inspired by or use the urban environment. I saw him off at the start line and watched them hurdle over hay bales. I felt so bad for the girl that landed badly on the first one and had to step out of the race. I then meandered my way back through town to the finish line and the 8 foot wall of death. I got some nice shots of people hauling themselves over this (including the boy and another guy stopping to help a couple of people over) but it had to be a finishing shot for today. Thankfully the weather stayed nice for them, albeit with a nip in the air.

I then headed up to the Meadows to meet my group. We had a joint rehearsal with another group to practise some stage fighting for when they have to kill us. It went well but we did get some odd looks from passers by.

Now at home and desperately trying to pack as we get the early train down to Burton upon Trent in the morning to join my parents on the canal boat.

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