Twenty Hours Home

I decide that rather then sitting around Marist all day anticipating leaving for DC tomorrow morning I'd get on a train and go home for the night...or at least for 20 hours.

Left Po-town after my 8am class and met Daddy in the city. We had lunch at Heavenly Burger. Not to sound cliche but the burgers were actually really delicious. He pointed me in the direction of Penn station and I caught a 12:30ish train back to 'Tagh.

Granny picked me up at the station and I finally got to see my puppies whom missed me dearly (evident by the amount of squealing, jumping, and barking that went on). Granny took me shopping and I got two very warm comfy sweaters.

Stopped by the office to see mommy and the girls I worked with over the summer. Terrible Bryn gave me a flu shot. Got to drive Mommys new car home though. Surprised Jack too. Stine came over to see me after dinner too.

Overall a fantastic, and oddly busy 20 hours home. See ya'll in Thanksgiving.

"Date a girl who doesn't read because the girl who reads knows the importance of plot. She can trace out the demarcations of a prologue and the sharp ridges of a climax. She feels them in her skin. The girl who reads will be patient with an intermission and expedite a denouement. But of all things, the girl who reads knows most the ineluctable significance of an end. She is comfortable with them. She has bid farewell to a thousand heroes with only a twinge of sadness."
-Charles Warnke

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