The Kelpies

I was up in the middle of the night to take No1 son and daughter-in-law to be to the airport.
They don't half fart about packing and getting organised.

Last night started off like a comedy act as they tried to pack but it quickly became farce and ended up as 'for fecks sake - what are you two doing?'.
No1 son is a well seasoned traveller who is well used to travelling light to the point of not taking anything - but last night was a joke. They are away for 4 days and have 30kg of crap ...... plus hand luggage that is really too heavy to drag.
They were still faffing about and trying to squeeze in more stuff as I was chucking cases in the boot trying to head to the airport.
I blame the woman.

So here I was at 4.45am risking life and limb to cross the airport approach road to get onto the roundabout to get a bip.
You would be amazed at how busy the damned place in the middle of the night.

The sculptures are 3m high and show what the 'real' ones will look like when made and in place in Falkirk.
The finished articles will be 30m high and as far as I know will rock back and forward to act as pumps for shifting water into and out of locks on one of the canals.
I hope they do get built as they will compliment the Falkirk Wheel quite well and make it the most interesting stretch of canal anywhere.

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