And Todays Colour Is ..................

While SWMBO went with Bags, the Cygnet and LML to to (apparently rubbish) mrket in Bathgate today I went and had coffee with a mate who is a dying duck at the moment ........... can't shift a cold/flu/wheezy chest.

I shouldn't have let SWMBO out without adult supervision.
She heard an advert on the radio for what sounded a really good deal.
So after lunch we trecked in Edinburgh again (3rd time this week for glories sake!!) where I blipped another blue blip (somewhere I have not blipped before).
By the time we set off for home again I had signed on the dotted line for a new car.

What sort of good deal is that?

Yes, I was going to be changing the old Fiesta -- but I wasn't expecting to be changing it for a brand spanking new car!!!!!!

Admittedly it means I don't have to worry about about things breaking or needing fixed or MOTd and the tax is cheaper -- and we will feel better about putting the kids in it for a safety point of view .............. but still - a brand spanking new car!!!!!!

It isn't blue though (I wasn't paying for that).

And before you say anything ...... I know the bottles are dirty - they are not mine and I was not in a possition to clean them out

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