It's raining, quick, get in tent!!

I don't know - I go out for a midwife appointment leaving Ben in the care of the in-laws, and come back to find them like this!!

He didn't want them to go. He wanted to go with them. He refused to say goodbye, or get up from the sofa. He has declared he doesn't like kisses!! And he's STILL only wearing pants. We did wave them off though. He got some binoculars for his birthday and he watched them drive off through them ;)

The pants thing started before the in-laws arrived this morning. We were watching the kodo drummers and Ben asked me to take his pyjamas off, not his pants, just his pyjamas, so he could be like the drummers (they were drumming on the Big Drums and wearing what looks to Ben like only a nappy!) but since he didn't have pants on, only pyjama bottoms and a top, he said it was ok to just have his pyjama bottoms on instead. It wasn't long before I was asked to get some pants for him so he could wear just pants. And that is how he has stayed!

Been a bit strange today. Steve's back at work, and we're back to being home alone during the day. It's strange because it's been a full month of being all over the place and now it's back to "normal" and to be honest I'm feeling a little lonely now that Gran and Grandad and Aunty Joan and Auntie Ruth have gone home.

We're working our way through the remains of the party food! Hayley kept some bits for a picnic lunch for them today (off on a surprise (for the kids) train trip to London Town for the day!), and we took the rest home. So we have a mountain of cheese sandwiches which Steve and I will be working our way through, and cocktail sausages. Ben has eaten the remains of the jelly this morning, and I don't know how we're going to get through all the yoghurts!! I suspect I'm going to have to help. They're not very big, and they're not bad either.

I have to record lunch today. A nice healthy lunch, followed by chocolate nibbles and a cup of tea.... and a very yummy pink marc de champagne truffle :0)

It's getting quite hard to concentrate now. Ben is singing for me. Loudly. As well as drumming. If I'm not doing anything else (or far enough away for it not to hurt) it's actually quite pleasant.

Still not given him his drumsticks present.

Bit nervous. Steve thinks he'll be fine with them, that he knows he's only to drum his electronic kit with them.... I hope so. Given that he totally splintered one of Stuarts proper drumsticks yesterday I hope that these junior ones cope with Ben!!

Midwife appointment went well today. I was early so she wasn't irritated with me to start with. I'd brought my sugar diary with me and she was happy with the general results, and telling her that I'd seen the senior diabetic consultant and senior diabetic nurse on Friday helped to stop her going on at me about sugar control. She measured me fundally at 33wks (I'm 34+4 today) and noted that baby was 1/5th engaged which is fab. At least I'm not waddling today - yesterday I was really waddling because of where baby was. It was not amusing!! Well, not to me anyway - it was to everyone else ;0)

Checkups every two weeks now, with both the consultant team and sonography, and with the community midwife.

My eardrums are now taking a real battering. I think I'll stop there.

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