H2 is playing at blipping

By H2


Here we are. Three hundred and sixty-five blips.

My approach to Blipfoto has been much as illustrated above.
Do look large if you feel inclined.

Sometimes I've sped past, barely giving it a cursory nod and being a bit fuzzy as a result, like the cyclist here.

Mostly I've walked past in an average kind of a way.

Occasionally I've lingered, really gone in and looked around, appreciating the beauty of what others have created.

But always I've appreciated that it's been there, a constant companion over the last year. And - this is said by so many people celebrating blipdays it's almost become a cliché - I've been taken completely by surprise by the warmth and generosity of the community. Blip has allowed me to enjoy rich relationships, some new and some extant, to express what I've been thinking about and to practice photography.

Some of my favourite images from the year, mostly because of the moments they've captured rather than because they have any particular photographic merit:

My Tom Kitten
It's all too much!
Slightly grubby
Alleys and bikes
Double Rainbow
Mr & Mrs Longshanks

And of course, I'm going to grab with both hands the opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to Odey for introducing me to this marvellous community to start with, and to her, to Longshanks, jkj10, Andycabb, and Dotty for their friendship and support as I've blundered my way around. If I've missed you off this list and you think you should be here, you probably should. Apologies, and thank you to you too.

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