Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

Strange ....

You know how sometimes footpaths, especially on hills, can turn into mini-rivers - well that wasn't what happened here! This is the Loanburn that runs through our local park and while I was walking home from the gym on the wide, tarmac footpath that runs alongside the stream I passed this man, young boy and two rottweilers walking in the water. It seemed a bit surreal.

Were they scared of me? Actually, I'm afraid of the dogs - particularly the larger one on the right which once ran at me. I was terrified, and as I'm a big coward, stood stock still and closed my eyes - so I'm not really sure what happened. I heard the man call out 'Stay still' and thought it was a strange command for a dog, but then realised it was an order for me! When I opened my eyes the man was beside the dog and me, putting on its lead. I was fortunate that I'm a dog lover and a coward, and not a young child who might have tried to run away.

No, I don't think they were scared of me; and I don't they they were cooling down because it's not very hot; I think the dogs like the water and need to be on the leads so the man went in too - I also think it would be fun!

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