
At the weekend I brought in and potted up some plants. This may have been a mistake. Not for the plants but for me. I really don't think I should be lifting overly heavy plant pots! I may have to visit the doc tomorrow :)

However, on the plus side, today saw the first meeting of the office C******** social committee. In a stroke of genius I decided to co-opt young Kasia on to the committee. This proved to be a wise decision on many counts

Once again weighty matters were discussed. Its a serious business trying to please everyone. Something I have long given up on but there are younger and more foolish bods those on the committee who still try to consider the needs, wants and desires of others. They will learn.

So, the meal has been chosen, the drinks order agreed (once again this is my remit) the order and content of the entertainment agreed and..... the coup de grace - young Kasia has not only taken up the poison chalice of arranging the Secret Santa but has also agreed to BE Santa (mwhahaha ha ha) Bob, the office elder will LOVE that.

Genius :)

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