Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Jed's Spaceship

At work I had home visits to complete this morning and what an experience they were. I met a lovely lady in sheltered housing who, at the age of 82, was sprightly, amusing and very good company. Just before I left she asked if I liked chocolate. Silly question! She told me to just wait a minute and she disappeared into the kitchen before returning with a big bar of Dairy Milk! (120g bar!!) Margaret, what an inspiration and I hope I'm as chirpy when I get to 82. My last visit was to a house which would have kept Kim & Aggie busy for a good few weeks....I have never seen anything like it in my life. The lady whose bloods I was taking was in bed and obviously not in any state to clean the house but her son...who had disappeared up the stairs to keep the dog under control (!!) probably was able to, but didn't. I am always amazed by how some people live. When I returned to the hospital, I told a couple of my colleagues what the house had been like. One of them told me about the time she had been doing home visits and had gone into a house where she had stood in dog poo (this is INSIDE the house). It was so filthy that she said she opted to wipe her feet all over their carpet before leaving! Urrgghhhh, maybe I have worse to come!?

Onto a nicer middle son, Jed, loves putting things together and he did this in one go.

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