Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Half Term Tattoos

I know it's not good but my boys begged and begged for tattoos so I finally gave in. I keep telling them that they'll regret them when they're older but they're adament that they won't. We'll see....

I had my long day at work today and a "heated debate" with the two full timers at lunchtime who are changing rotas for everyone without having discussions beforehand. I am a wimp when it comes to confrontation but I felt quite proud of myself that I had my say and held my own....they had an answer for everything though and I doubt anything anyone says will make any difference. I even did a version of a rota which I thought might work and was given it back from one of the two with a little note saying "Ha, ha, to (sic) many 15 mins, try again!" She did mean it as a joke and I took it as one but she's still meaning it's her way or no way. Changes do have to be made but it's obvious that they are protecting their own hours by altering everyone elses. This is probably all too personal for Blip but, hey, it's what's happening in my life today!

I really enjoyed watching the documentary: Mummifying Alan: Egypt's Last Secret. It was amazing to see a modern body being mummified. It was a little gruesome in parts....the maggots, I hate maggots ever since I worked in a vets and saw a dog being eaten alive by them....but what an amazing bloke to give his body up for experimentation and his wife & family were amazing too. If you didn't see it, watch it on catch-up.

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