The Stars Are Coming Out Tonight....

When I used to drive home from the bar of an early morning, 2 am, sometimes I would stop on the hill in the middle of the countryside and cast my eyes to the North East.... on occassion a faint green flickering could be seen in the sky, accompanied by a low humming. I would stand and gaze until it flittered away.

When I read on the BBC website today, that the Aurora Borealis, having been exceptionally bright last night, might well be visible from the far southern reaches of Ayrshire this evening.

At the mighty hour of 9.45 as my beloved went to chase cats..... in or out, I'm not sure..... i was laying back too far on the couch to be bothered.

So clear night, he announced, and I dragged Toolibelle-Aurora-Borealis, from the shower, forced her in to warm jammies, and we piled into the car.

Sadly, from the top of the hill, the clouds were coming in from the north east, and nothing apart from the odd Aeroplane, and sparkly star could be seen.

I stood happily though watching the stars and the skies, and the lights of the town. My camera isn't so brilliant that it could capture the gorgeousness of the lights in the town from the top of the hill at night, so I took this. The beautiful paper chains decorating the barb wire around the fencing.

Night Night.

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