Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

Tunnel Vision

I've had a long day, Worked until 1am this morning on a presentation I was giving at 11. Five hours sleep, then up at 6.30 so I could get to Lyttleton to deliver a trailer to a ship, for transport to Auckland for my Dad (don't ask).

I managed to get a few blips of the Wharf at sunrise (it was very nice), then back to the office, then a 2 hour presentation, then dealing with several crises at work, then home, dinner, soccer, home again. Now Blip.

So I am tired and cranky and just discovered my CF card has died. I managed to get 6 shots off, of my drive thru the tunnel this morning, but the rest are toast

That's my day really, a blur, it's actually quite funny these images survived. I can't be bothered trying any more, I've reformatted the card and will see if it's still alive.

Tomorrow is another day, and the sun will probably rise ... :-)

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