
Up early this morning to catch a 7am flight to Auckland. Frosty and cold, but a simply stunning day. As it turns out, all over the country. Lots of great plane photos.

Had 2 meetings, both went well, and then had an afternoon spare. Given that it was a stunningly sunny and calm day in Auckland, I decided to take the afternoon off and seek out some photos. I headed across to the West Coast, to Piha and Karekare, places I haven't been to for years. They haven't changed a great deal, and are still gorgeous.

Spent time on the beach, photographing all sorts of things. Surfers, swimmers, seagulls, sand - all fantastic. Have to admit, I only had my work clothes with me as it was a day trip. So being on the beach in work clothes was slightly weird ;-)

After Piha I headed across to Karekare - you might know it. Jane Campions "The Piano" was filmed here it's stunning, and I realised why I used to love coming here. There were people fishing, and surfing, and in this photo, preparing to surf.

I got lots of great photos today, many visually far more stunning. But I simply love the feeling in this photo.

Then a quick visit to see the folks and out to the airport. Plane delayed, again.
Going to get home at 10pm or so.

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