Women & children first!

Hope never to hear these words though I was once onboard a ferry that came very close to that critical point and another time was stuck onboard a CalkMac ferry in a gale for 36hours! Today's crossing was much calmer however so I got out on deck to take a pic or two.

My mission to Islay turned out to be quite delicate as it involved a group of folks who could not have that particular discussion they had if they had remained in their own land! At times passions ran high but we managed to diffuse the situation with a bit of humour and our take on history and its lasting effects on two Celtic languages! Today they went back to their own land and I hope they will have learned to open their eyes and hearts and get over their diffirences to create a better place. Thats is about as much as I can reveal!

Hard work but rewarding in a totally diffirent way!

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